Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Maybe I Have Been Here Before..

Please listen: SOTD

First, you must be aware of the reasons that I haven't posted since Friday. I was unable to access my gmail and also my Facebook. Believe me, I experienced serious frustration in the past few days. On a lighter note, my grandmother sent me a package and I received it today; it was fabulous! I have also become a frequent tweeter in the past few weeks; so if you have Twitter and would like to follow me, feel free!

It is still ninety degrees in Austin; I am beginning to think this weather never ceases, which makes me oh so happy! This weekend is Halloween. I am a bit upset because honestly I have trick-or-treated every year that I can remember. Not to say I can't go trick-or-treating in Austin, but it just doesn't have the small town feel and who knows what some creeper might put in my candy bag.  

I would like to also personally thank all of you, my readers, for your comments and views on my blog. When I began I never thought I would obtain so many readers and people would be so interested in my muses; but when someone talks to me about my blog it always makes me feel good. My sweet friend Melina actually read my blog and wanted to start one of her own. I believe she follows me; I'm sure she would appreciate readers as well if you are interested.

I was having a conversation with my dear friend Amarette the other day about what a leader should be. I was telling her that I thought no matter what you were leading, or what type of leader you were, the one thing you should be is inspirational. I have never been much of a follower, and I aspire to one day be a great leader, leading by inspiration. I am living in an environment filled with things and people that inspire me. I hope you are inspired by new things everyday. God created such a wonderful world full of inspiring surroundings. If the weather is either beautiful or bearable, preferably the first, take a walk and see if you find inspiration in the simple beauty of the earth. Also, watch the Rangers win the World Series just like every Texan will be doing.

Love you all,



  1. I like this and i think that you got the inspirational thing down pat might i say.
