Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Suntans, Friendship Bracelets, and Guardian Angels

Running the pool in my hometown is my favorite job. I love the summer and everything about the pool. The smell of chlorine and sunscreen is an aroma I will never tire of. People like to think that my job is just getting a nice tan and swimming all day--and it is--but it's not. I know that every kid who is swimming in the pool is a life I potentially will have to save.

I haven't had to save anyone this year (knock on wood) but by the end of the summer it usually happens. If I were just tanning, we all know the child would be in far more danger. Besides watching the water all day, I give swimming lessons.

Swimming lessons are a life survival skill and I really enjoy teaching them. I teach babies all the way through grown adults. Don't get me wrong, I don't do the survival teaching for babies and toddlers--so most of my 1-4 year olds don't come out as Michael Phelps but they learn to embrace the water and basic instinct techniques. Some of my kids are head first, no fear of the water, and are ready to jump off of the diving board within the first five minutes. Once such kid came to the pool today and kept asking me to watch her do her tricks--which I happily obliged when I could. Others are timid and eventually just get in and go. The last of the trio are those that are down right scared. Scared of the water, scared of not touching the ground, scared of having their head go under--the list goes on. I don't ever remember being afraid of water but believe me this fear is real. 

Today I had a kiddo who was scared. We were at the end of our lesson and I was telling him how excited I was to see him tomorrow and he asked his mom what happens if he gets scared again. What she said made more sense than anything I've ever heard about kids and swimming in the pool. She said that tonight they would go home and pray to Jesus that He would send the child's guardian angel with him to protect him while he swam. MAN THAT MAKES SENSE. Because let me tell you I was sitting there today with forty kids in the pool wondering why I hadn't had to jump yet--it's all the guardian angels. I'm sure glad they are professional swimmers. 

There are many great things about the pool but one of the best this year is my crew. They are awesome. The best I have ever had. All of them care about their job and doing it well. They arrive on time, stay late, and are always willing to do anything extra--like vacuum for six hours after a windstorm. During our breaks we sometimes make friendship bracelets. It might seem kind of corny but I love them and am embracing the hippie or 90s life whichever you see it. I see my bracelets and am reminded of how thankful I am to have hardworking guards who care about the pool like I do. 

Now, lets be real, I love my tan, sitting out in the sun all day is my favorite, but after today I'll never look at the pool the same way. Instead of just kids I'll always see the guardian angels floating right behind them. 
