Monday, October 4, 2010

A Penny for Your Thoughts

I've ventured into the world of blogging a couple times in previous years; I hope this time to remain a somewhat consistent blogger. Given the circumstances, being away at college and all, I find that I am not able to communicate with people I care dearly about as often as I would like; thus, the purpose of this blog. I hope you too find it informative on the events of my life and by no means think of it as a way that I am trying to disregard talking to each of you on a more personal note.

The new chapter I have recently begun in my life is full of excitement and adventure. God has taken me by the hand and has shown me a whole new piece of His creation. He has introduced me to many wonderful, beautiful people. Austin is a beautiful place to live. As much as I love the high plains of the Texas Panhandle, Austin truly has captivated my heart. I attend a school that is stunningly beautiful. The campus is clean; the buildings involve architecture that is breathtaking; and the people God has introduced me to are such beautiful people. I have never been more content in an environment. The struggles associated with college life become minute when I simply take a stroll around campus. It's amazing to think that before I was even a thought to my parents that God was making this college into a place just for me.

I have a professor who is well known around campus. His name is Dr. Becker. Every morning of class Dr. Becker begins class with a song. He asks that there is no talking, no texting, no moving, just listening to the music. I love this part of class. Primarily because this is an earlier class and listening to music before a lecture is calming. Second, Dr. Becker has great taste in music. Today's song was Mr. Bojangles by Jerry Jeff Walker. Sitting there listening to the song took me back to a Friday night last spring playing guitar at Toy's R Us. It was a lovely three minutes and fifty-six seconds.

There are the things I miss about home: people, my dogs, the food at the El Vaquero, and of course, the stars. There are a few diamonds in the sky of Austin. However, nothing compares to the stars at home. I don't know what my future holds, but I don't think Gruver is where I will be living anytime soon. My dad has told me on many occasions that God is always with me wherever I am; and that I will be fine wherever life takes me. At times I think he says this more for his reassurance rather than mine. As much of a free-spirited, independent child that I am, I have never been more thankful for their guidance in my life. And just for the record, I cannot wait to see where God has me living after college, I get jittery just thinking about it. I personally hope it is a world away from where I am living now....literally. I dream of France, Spain, and Africa, living with the children of the world. A child is God's most pure being in society. Why would I not want to immerse myself in such a life? I have always had a love for being a kid. To me silly songs and Simon Says never get old. Taking all of the complexities out of life and living as a child of God with children of God; breathtaking isn't it?

Anyways, I must continue with my paper. However, present any comments, questions, or musings of your own; I will not disregard them by any means.

Now minimize this screen; turn your phone on silent; go to and listen to Mr. Bojangles; see what happens.

Love always,


Welcome to my new adventure. My dad and I were talking and I have decided that I am going to go through each blog piece, write a reflection and tidy them up, and ultimately (hopefully) turn this wild wonder into a book.

So here we very first blog post. I was a wide-eyed, young, full of life, and oh so curious freshman writing this blogpost in the library at St. Edward's University. I know that I will discover much about myself and my writing as I read through these posts but the first thing that dawns on me as I read this first one is how enamored I am by God's love and guidance. I know at some point my blog takes a turn and my writing will shade away from that but for now it's refreshing. I look back on this post and think wow, Dr. Becker made such an impact on my life. He was ultimately the reason I left for Chile. If I never would've left for Chile, I would never speak Spanish. If I didn't speak Spanish...well, a lot of things wouldn't have happened in my life. 

But, it's very cool to be able to look back on my young self and say, "Hey, you did it kid. You lived a world away. You are working with kids. YOU made it." I think I would still call myself a free-spirit but I have also become set in my ways and don't yearn for drastic change like I did at the ripe age of eighteen. 

Twelve years later, I find myself in Denison, TX. I work as a teacher and have just finished my last year coaching (at least for now). I have two sweet dogs and enjoy sitting on my patio until the sun goes down. 


  1. Well...I have to admit that I've enjoyed reading your musings, and I like your taste in music too!

    Nice blog title, but it was the subtitle that caught my eyes and reminded me of the second Mary Mail that I wrote titled "All you need is love"

    Now get back to that paper!!! :)

  2. We can move to africa together :)

    I enjoyed this!! Cant wait to read more.


  3. Tabs, I can only guess at who you are, but I would say that moving to Africa with you would be bliss.
