Friday, October 22, 2010

The Sound of Silence

Today's song of the day is of course the title of today's muse: Simon and Garfunkel's The Sound of Silence.

This week has been such a hectic week. However, it is finally over and I feel like I can actually take a breath which is nice. Claire's mom is in town and I the opportunity to meet her earlier. I met her in a passing by so the three of us didn't really get to chit chat or anything but it was still wonderful to meet the lovely lady who raised my oh so lovely roommate!

Tonight on the main lawn of the campus we celebrated St. Edward University's 125th birthday party. There was free food, music, and of course cake There was a cake decorating contest and enough cake for 2,000 people I believe. I had a great time at the event.

For my Rhetoric and Composition class we are writing letters to the editor's of newspapers. I haven't exactly decided which newspaper I want to write to or even what I want to write about. The idea I am currently mulling over in my head is to send a letter to the school newspaper about midterm general surveys in my freshmen studies classes. I find that surveys over a hundred questions long given to freshmen to rate how strongly they feel satisfied about a certain aspect is just a way for the college to be able to put on there admissions pamphlet "Over 99% of last years freshman said they absolutely love it on campus!" Okay, now not that statement exactly but you catch my drift.

I am also in the process of figuring out exactly where and when I want to study abroad. Today in our honors workshop we had a woman speak to us about study abroad. She brought students who had studied abroad to talk about their experiences. I have wanted to study in France, Africa, and Spain. One of the girls had actually been to Spain and informed us that there was a three hour siesta everyday. Needless to say, Spain is officially at the top of the list.

Last night my friend Stephanie and I were eating dinner together. Midway through our friend Lan-Ahn joined us. Stephanie was teaching me the basics of a simple conversation in French. After we realized that my French accent was just not working out for me, we tried German. I picked the accent up much more quickly. I am actually considering taking German next semester. There are a couple of reasons that I am considering this. First, I need one more semester of a language to fulfill my requirements. Second, Dr. Becker teaches many of the German classes and he is a wonderful professor. Third, as Breanna would say, "Sometimes you have to ask yourself why not!"

So ask yourself why not this weekend, and while you're at it watch The Graduate and listen to "The Sound of Silence."



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