Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Maybe I Have Been Here Before..
Please listen: SOTD
First, you must be aware of the reasons that I haven't posted since Friday. I was unable to access my gmail and also my Facebook. Believe me, I experienced serious frustration in the past few days. On a lighter note, my grandmother sent me a package and I received it today; it was fabulous! I have also become a frequent tweeter in the past few weeks; so if you have Twitter and would like to follow me, feel free!
It is still ninety degrees in Austin; I am beginning to think this weather never ceases, which makes me oh so happy! This weekend is Halloween. I am a bit upset because honestly I have trick-or-treated every year that I can remember. Not to say I can't go trick-or-treating in Austin, but it just doesn't have the small town feel and who knows what some creeper might put in my candy bag.
I would like to also personally thank all of you, my readers, for your comments and views on my blog. When I began I never thought I would obtain so many readers and people would be so interested in my muses; but when someone talks to me about my blog it always makes me feel good. My sweet friend Melina actually read my blog and wanted to start one of her own. I believe she follows me; I'm sure she would appreciate readers as well if you are interested.
I was having a conversation with my dear friend Amarette the other day about what a leader should be. I was telling her that I thought no matter what you were leading, or what type of leader you were, the one thing you should be is inspirational. I have never been much of a follower, and I aspire to one day be a great leader, leading by inspiration. I am living in an environment filled with things and people that inspire me. I hope you are inspired by new things everyday. God created such a wonderful world full of inspiring surroundings. If the weather is either beautiful or bearable, preferably the first, take a walk and see if you find inspiration in the simple beauty of the earth. Also, watch the Rangers win the World Series just like every Texan will be doing.
Love you all,
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Sound of Silence
Today's song of the day is of course the title of today's muse: Simon and Garfunkel's The Sound of Silence.
This week has been such a hectic week. However, it is finally over and I feel like I can actually take a breath which is nice. Claire's mom is in town and I the opportunity to meet her earlier. I met her in a passing by so the three of us didn't really get to chit chat or anything but it was still wonderful to meet the lovely lady who raised my oh so lovely roommate!
Tonight on the main lawn of the campus we celebrated St. Edward University's 125th birthday party. There was free food, music, and of course cake There was a cake decorating contest and enough cake for 2,000 people I believe. I had a great time at the event.
For my Rhetoric and Composition class we are writing letters to the editor's of newspapers. I haven't exactly decided which newspaper I want to write to or even what I want to write about. The idea I am currently mulling over in my head is to send a letter to the school newspaper about midterm general surveys in my freshmen studies classes. I find that surveys over a hundred questions long given to freshmen to rate how strongly they feel satisfied about a certain aspect is just a way for the college to be able to put on there admissions pamphlet "Over 99% of last years freshman said they absolutely love it on campus!" Okay, now not that statement exactly but you catch my drift.
I am also in the process of figuring out exactly where and when I want to study abroad. Today in our honors workshop we had a woman speak to us about study abroad. She brought students who had studied abroad to talk about their experiences. I have wanted to study in France, Africa, and Spain. One of the girls had actually been to Spain and informed us that there was a three hour siesta everyday. Needless to say, Spain is officially at the top of the list.
Last night my friend Stephanie and I were eating dinner together. Midway through our friend Lan-Ahn joined us. Stephanie was teaching me the basics of a simple conversation in French. After we realized that my French accent was just not working out for me, we tried German. I picked the accent up much more quickly. I am actually considering taking German next semester. There are a couple of reasons that I am considering this. First, I need one more semester of a language to fulfill my requirements. Second, Dr. Becker teaches many of the German classes and he is a wonderful professor. Third, as Breanna would say, "Sometimes you have to ask yourself why not!"
So ask yourself why not this weekend, and while you're at it watch The Graduate and listen to "The Sound of Silence."
This week has been such a hectic week. However, it is finally over and I feel like I can actually take a breath which is nice. Claire's mom is in town and I the opportunity to meet her earlier. I met her in a passing by so the three of us didn't really get to chit chat or anything but it was still wonderful to meet the lovely lady who raised my oh so lovely roommate!
Tonight on the main lawn of the campus we celebrated St. Edward University's 125th birthday party. There was free food, music, and of course cake There was a cake decorating contest and enough cake for 2,000 people I believe. I had a great time at the event.
For my Rhetoric and Composition class we are writing letters to the editor's of newspapers. I haven't exactly decided which newspaper I want to write to or even what I want to write about. The idea I am currently mulling over in my head is to send a letter to the school newspaper about midterm general surveys in my freshmen studies classes. I find that surveys over a hundred questions long given to freshmen to rate how strongly they feel satisfied about a certain aspect is just a way for the college to be able to put on there admissions pamphlet "Over 99% of last years freshman said they absolutely love it on campus!" Okay, now not that statement exactly but you catch my drift.
I am also in the process of figuring out exactly where and when I want to study abroad. Today in our honors workshop we had a woman speak to us about study abroad. She brought students who had studied abroad to talk about their experiences. I have wanted to study in France, Africa, and Spain. One of the girls had actually been to Spain and informed us that there was a three hour siesta everyday. Needless to say, Spain is officially at the top of the list.
Last night my friend Stephanie and I were eating dinner together. Midway through our friend Lan-Ahn joined us. Stephanie was teaching me the basics of a simple conversation in French. After we realized that my French accent was just not working out for me, we tried German. I picked the accent up much more quickly. I am actually considering taking German next semester. There are a couple of reasons that I am considering this. First, I need one more semester of a language to fulfill my requirements. Second, Dr. Becker teaches many of the German classes and he is a wonderful professor. Third, as Breanna would say, "Sometimes you have to ask yourself why not!"
So ask yourself why not this weekend, and while you're at it watch The Graduate and listen to "The Sound of Silence."
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Come Around Sundown
This is the new Kings of Leon album and it is such a great album you need to buy it all!
I realize I did not blog yesterday; honestly, I was too busy. Yesterday I had my classes as well as jazz practice then FCA praise and worship. It was a wonderful day. I love praise and worship; it is arguably my most favorite thing to do. I am in jazz band with the leader of the FCA band and last month he asked me if I could play the drum for the band. I said yes and it has been such a blessing! Our FCA in high school was never very active. However, here FCA does something at least twice a week and thus has become a part of my weekly schedule. I cannot begin to express how much I love being involved in FCA.
For my honors class we are working on group video projects. Our professor divided us up into groups and my group is Kevin, Curran, and me. We are making an art film using the nature of St. Edward's and other areas of Austin to create a film that works with a song that Curran has selected. The project is time consuming but fun.
This weekend I am participating in a service project. I am going to be working with children and doing crafts! Needless to say, I am super excited! Like I have mentioned before I am quite the little kid at heart and spending six hours with kids is my type of day.
Anyways, I will leave this muse short because you should be listening to the new Kings of Leon album anyways!
Love always friends,
I realize I did not blog yesterday; honestly, I was too busy. Yesterday I had my classes as well as jazz practice then FCA praise and worship. It was a wonderful day. I love praise and worship; it is arguably my most favorite thing to do. I am in jazz band with the leader of the FCA band and last month he asked me if I could play the drum for the band. I said yes and it has been such a blessing! Our FCA in high school was never very active. However, here FCA does something at least twice a week and thus has become a part of my weekly schedule. I cannot begin to express how much I love being involved in FCA.
For my honors class we are working on group video projects. Our professor divided us up into groups and my group is Kevin, Curran, and me. We are making an art film using the nature of St. Edward's and other areas of Austin to create a film that works with a song that Curran has selected. The project is time consuming but fun.
This weekend I am participating in a service project. I am going to be working with children and doing crafts! Needless to say, I am super excited! Like I have mentioned before I am quite the little kid at heart and spending six hours with kids is my type of day.
Anyways, I will leave this muse short because you should be listening to the new Kings of Leon album anyways!
Love always friends,
Monday, October 18, 2010
If I Die Young-AMT 25
Sunday October 18, 2009 I went to church in Spearman with my family. At church my friend Rosa and I had decided we would go to the movies later. That afternoon we went to the movies and saw Where the Wild Things Are. At 6:32, Rosa and I were walking out of the theater and my phone began ringing, it was my older brother Ryan. He was very calm and collected and told me that there had been a wreck and he thought Ali Tyler had died.
Rosa and I drove to the Spearman hospital, and Ryan had been right. Everyone was standing around at the hospital not really knowing what to do. I was by myself so Mattie and I drove home together. After we got home many of our friends gathered at Madison's house. We all sat and looked at each other with blank faces.
The next day at school was to this date the hardest day of my young life so far. You can never be sure how such an event will affect you. I was not Ali's best friend by any means. When Ali was an 8th grader I started taking her to the gym with me in the mornings. I picked up her and Kaysha. Ali and I had our fair share of morning conversations because I picked her up first. Ali and I played basketball together. When she died she was a sophomore and I was a senior. My role on the basketball team was never to be the lead scorer or the girl who played every minute of every game. I tried and still try to maintain a role of a big sister to the younger girls who were on my basketball team. Our team had a bond and a chemistry that you only truly understood if you were apart of it. Many fans, friends, and family could see the chemistry but to understand how close knit of a team we were was almost impossible.
Today is the one year reunion of the accident and it is a struggle. My girls, Steph and Tate have been in my prayers constantly today. I find so much peace in knowing that I serve a loving and caring God who is holding everyone affected by the tragedy.
As for the song of the day, it is the story of what happened October 18, 2009.
With all of my heart,
Sunday October 18, 2009 I went to church in Spearman with my family. At church my friend Rosa and I had decided we would go to the movies later. That afternoon we went to the movies and saw Where the Wild Things Are. At 6:32, Rosa and I were walking out of the theater and my phone began ringing, it was my older brother Ryan. He was very calm and collected and told me that there had been a wreck and he thought Ali Tyler had died.
Rosa and I drove to the Spearman hospital, and Ryan had been right. Everyone was standing around at the hospital not really knowing what to do. I was by myself so Mattie and I drove home together. After we got home many of our friends gathered at Madison's house. We all sat and looked at each other with blank faces.
The next day at school was to this date the hardest day of my young life so far. You can never be sure how such an event will affect you. I was not Ali's best friend by any means. When Ali was an 8th grader I started taking her to the gym with me in the mornings. I picked up her and Kaysha. Ali and I had our fair share of morning conversations because I picked her up first. Ali and I played basketball together. When she died she was a sophomore and I was a senior. My role on the basketball team was never to be the lead scorer or the girl who played every minute of every game. I tried and still try to maintain a role of a big sister to the younger girls who were on my basketball team. Our team had a bond and a chemistry that you only truly understood if you were apart of it. Many fans, friends, and family could see the chemistry but to understand how close knit of a team we were was almost impossible.
Today is the one year reunion of the accident and it is a struggle. My girls, Steph and Tate have been in my prayers constantly today. I find so much peace in knowing that I serve a loving and caring God who is holding everyone affected by the tragedy.
As for the song of the day, it is the story of what happened October 18, 2009.
With all of my heart,
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Where the Wild Things Are
I give my regards and sincerest apologies for not blogging yesterday. However, my parents and I watched the Gruver Band get straight one's at marching band contest, got five inches cut off of my hair, and hung out at home-sweet-home. There is nothing like the comfort of your own bed. After two months away, my bed welcomed me with open arms every night I was home; it was blissful. It was wonderful to see my family and many people whom I love very much. Three days was a great amount, not too short, not too long, I'm happy to be back in Austin. Don't get me wrong, I love being home and being with friends and family; but I love Austin, the weather, and my friends and family here as well.
Last year, on the third Sunday of October, I went to see Where the Wild Things Are with my friend Rosa. I love the book and the movie. I haven't seen the movie since the viewing of it that day; maybe I will watch it this week. If you haven't seen it, it is a great movie to see. Also, if you aren't much for movies or don't feel like being open-minded today, just check out the soundtrack; it is a great mixture of genres.
My old high school is in the process of building a new gym, when I was home visiting my coach took me on a tour of the new facility. Needless to say I am quite jealous that I do not get to play a game in the gym.
The Rangers redeemed themselves last night, Feliz Dia! If you didn't catch the pun, you must have missed the game. The next three games in New York should be interesting. I'm almost certain that if the Rangers lose another my brother may need to be admitted to therapy because no matter how many times my dad has told him, he still doesn't understand that "It's just a game."
Today's song of the day, don't laugh too hard. :)
That was fun now wasn't it? At least you know I will always keep you guessing.
Tonight my LLC is having a dinner at Opal's Divine. For those of you who don't know what an LLC is, I will enlighten you. An LLC or Living and Learning Community is a group of students who live together and learn together. More specifically, my LLC, the Honors LLC, is composed of eight girls and six boys. We take our honors class together, live on the same floor of our dorm hall together, and have weekly meetings/outings together. Being in an LLC has definitely made a substantial contribution to my college experience.
Have a blessed week and a wonderful Sunday afternoon.
Love always,
Last year, on the third Sunday of October, I went to see Where the Wild Things Are with my friend Rosa. I love the book and the movie. I haven't seen the movie since the viewing of it that day; maybe I will watch it this week. If you haven't seen it, it is a great movie to see. Also, if you aren't much for movies or don't feel like being open-minded today, just check out the soundtrack; it is a great mixture of genres.
My old high school is in the process of building a new gym, when I was home visiting my coach took me on a tour of the new facility. Needless to say I am quite jealous that I do not get to play a game in the gym.
The Rangers redeemed themselves last night, Feliz Dia! If you didn't catch the pun, you must have missed the game. The next three games in New York should be interesting. I'm almost certain that if the Rangers lose another my brother may need to be admitted to therapy because no matter how many times my dad has told him, he still doesn't understand that "It's just a game."
Today's song of the day, don't laugh too hard. :)
That was fun now wasn't it? At least you know I will always keep you guessing.
Tonight my LLC is having a dinner at Opal's Divine. For those of you who don't know what an LLC is, I will enlighten you. An LLC or Living and Learning Community is a group of students who live together and learn together. More specifically, my LLC, the Honors LLC, is composed of eight girls and six boys. We take our honors class together, live on the same floor of our dorm hall together, and have weekly meetings/outings together. Being in an LLC has definitely made a substantial contribution to my college experience.
Have a blessed week and a wonderful Sunday afternoon.
Love always,
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
I left Austin yesterday and flew home for the long weekend to surprise Teague (and others) for her birthday. Being home is nice. The comforts of home are absent from the college life. After having lunch at the El Vaquero with many of my favorite older people, I surprised one of my friends from Spearman. Tonight I had all my girls and coaches over for Mexican Fiesta. I love to cook, which is how Mexican Fiesta began in the first place. My senior year, once or twice every month all the girls came over, I made tons of Mexican food and we all played Apples to Apples. Because I haven't been home for two months, it was definitely time for a fiesta.
As many of you know the Rangers game is on tonight. I never have been much of a Rangers fan, but my brother is a die hard. Some of my friends at college are Rangers fans also. I myself am a sports fan in general and I will holler for the good ole' Texas boys any day. So considering the circumstances, I have become a Rangers fan myself. Just for the record, it's the bottom of the ninth and we are down by one and need to score desperately. Two outs now.....and we are still down by one. Game over, I hope my brother is okay.
Tomorrow is marching band contest. Today I went and watched the band run through their performance; they are phenomenal. I hope they do well tomorrow. I plan on going and watching them then getting an overdue haircut. I just realized how much my hair has grown since I have been gone. I accredit the growth to the wonderful Austin weather of course!
Just keeping with the theme of the weekend, here is the song of the day: CLICK ME!
Ladies, the number one reason you should be a Rangers fan:
Love always,
As many of you know the Rangers game is on tonight. I never have been much of a Rangers fan, but my brother is a die hard. Some of my friends at college are Rangers fans also. I myself am a sports fan in general and I will holler for the good ole' Texas boys any day. So considering the circumstances, I have become a Rangers fan myself. Just for the record, it's the bottom of the ninth and we are down by one and need to score desperately. Two outs now.....and we are still down by one. Game over, I hope my brother is okay.
Tomorrow is marching band contest. Today I went and watched the band run through their performance; they are phenomenal. I hope they do well tomorrow. I plan on going and watching them then getting an overdue haircut. I just realized how much my hair has grown since I have been gone. I accredit the growth to the wonderful Austin weather of course!
Just keeping with the theme of the weekend, here is the song of the day: CLICK ME!
Ladies, the number one reason you should be a Rangers fan:
Love always,
Friday, October 15, 2010
O Captain! My Captain!
O Captain! My Captain!O CAPTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won; The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring: But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells; Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills; 10 For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths--for you the shores a-crowding; For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning; Here Captain! dear father! This arm beneath your head; It is some dream that on the deck, You've fallen cold and dead. My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still; My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will; The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won; 20 Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells! But I, with mournful tread, Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. -Walt Whitman |
The song of the day is "Canon in D" by Johann Pachelbel. Wonderful isn't it?
There are so many people in my life whom I love. Today was a beautiful day spent with many of these people. I am so blessed to have such an ample amount of wonderful people in my life. Each and every one of you mean the world to me.
The weekend is approaching so dig out your copy of "Dead Poets' Society" listen to Pachelbel and be blessed by those that you love.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Oh Happy Days
Oh Happy Days, the song from Sister Act II, is the song of the day; however, I don't suggest listening to it unless you want it stuck in your head.
At lunch today, I ran into a door pretty hard and hit my head. Dad told me I needed to watch where I was going; I thought I was, but of course Dad is right. Lately, I have been trying to keep my eyes open; sometimes I find this difficult. As many of you know college is a whole new world. Much of what the college life brings is very good. As Dad would say, "Your brain is mush until you are.....(who knows it changes everyday and is dependent on who is around)." Believe me, I know my brain is still mush, but living in the same building with 162 mushy brained people makes you want to close your eyes sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I love dorm life and actually hope to be an RA next year, but there are just those times when you just want to close your eyes and be able to be by yourself. Maybe this is why I hit my head. Either way, I am glad I am at Wid's house babysitting the boys tonight; I get some time to myself, and it's nice.
Tuesday I gave an informative speech over Rapid Eye Movement in my T-Th 8:00 a.m. class. My professor gave me very nice compliments on my speech, and because I gave mine Tuesday, tomorrow I have nothing due for class and only have to attend and listen to speeches. Public speaking is feared among the masses. However, I have never had a fear of public speaking; it seems to just flow naturally for me. I almost find a sense of peace when I step up to the podium to begin a speech. I have over the years spoke on many topics. Although I am not a communication major, I hope to be able to continue my public speaking career. Actually after I just finished that sentence I had a friend call me asking for help on her speech, how funny.
Lately I have been listening to the "Imagine" by John Lenon station on Pandora radio. I have came to the conclusion that it is fabulous.
I talked to my grandmother and granddad this morning. They are so special to me. My grandmother told me it was cold this morning in Gruver. I looked on my phone's weather app, she was right, it was forty-six degrees. As much as I want to be home at times, this morning wasn't one of those times. It was sixty-two in Austin, my type of weather.
Love always,
At lunch today, I ran into a door pretty hard and hit my head. Dad told me I needed to watch where I was going; I thought I was, but of course Dad is right. Lately, I have been trying to keep my eyes open; sometimes I find this difficult. As many of you know college is a whole new world. Much of what the college life brings is very good. As Dad would say, "Your brain is mush until you are.....(who knows it changes everyday and is dependent on who is around)." Believe me, I know my brain is still mush, but living in the same building with 162 mushy brained people makes you want to close your eyes sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I love dorm life and actually hope to be an RA next year, but there are just those times when you just want to close your eyes and be able to be by yourself. Maybe this is why I hit my head. Either way, I am glad I am at Wid's house babysitting the boys tonight; I get some time to myself, and it's nice.
Tuesday I gave an informative speech over Rapid Eye Movement in my T-Th 8:00 a.m. class. My professor gave me very nice compliments on my speech, and because I gave mine Tuesday, tomorrow I have nothing due for class and only have to attend and listen to speeches. Public speaking is feared among the masses. However, I have never had a fear of public speaking; it seems to just flow naturally for me. I almost find a sense of peace when I step up to the podium to begin a speech. I have over the years spoke on many topics. Although I am not a communication major, I hope to be able to continue my public speaking career. Actually after I just finished that sentence I had a friend call me asking for help on her speech, how funny.
Lately I have been listening to the "Imagine" by John Lenon station on Pandora radio. I have came to the conclusion that it is fabulous.
I talked to my grandmother and granddad this morning. They are so special to me. My grandmother told me it was cold this morning in Gruver. I looked on my phone's weather app, she was right, it was forty-six degrees. As much as I want to be home at times, this morning wasn't one of those times. It was sixty-two in Austin, my type of weather.
Love always,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
100 Years
100 Years by Five for Fighting is the song of the day. I was in love with this song around the age of thirteen. It's a beautiful melodic composition; you won't waste your time. As for time, Curran and I have been discussing time all day long. Curran is being especially ornery today and therefore has provoked an agitation within my thought process. He is pushing my buttons, and he knows it. Now that I am writing about this, I also find it rather amusing. Either way one of the conclusions I have came to today is that time is just a label that society defines their existence by. If one happens to take time out of the equation they are virtually left with life. I find it rather difficult to live those days without the reliance on time. I am ready for a summer day when I can be at my grandparents house and not even look at the clock thinking of what I must do at a certain time. Time compromises our experiences in life. I realize that we cannot live without time in our society; I just like to ponder upon why such a thing is so important to us.
If you have not seen "Into the Wild" I strongly suggest you watch it. There is also a book, but watch the movie first. I won't ruin the movie for you but the main character, Christopher McCandless, leaves society completely and goes into the wild. I often find distinct similarities between McCandless and myself. I aspire to do something similar in the near future. Not necessarily leave everyone with no knowledge of where I am going, but just going in general. I find myself somewhat of a nomad. Not to say that I don't have a home and that I don't love my home, just that the world has so much to offer to me. I refuse to be confined to a world created by man; I will see the beauty of God's creation unconstrained by the chains of society. Like I said, I will give a heads up but if one day I do randomly disappear from the blogging world for a time period, I could quite possibly off experiencing life in its full capacity, without the constraints of society and have gone somewhat "into the wild".
I have been thinking about Christmas lately. The fact that it is Christmas in my car year round could quite possibly be the cause of this thinking. I want to work some over Christmas break. However, I have recently been researching college mission trips over Christmas break. I have started to pray about this possibility; if you are a spiritual person, I would ask for you to pray over this for me as well. It is a little late to think about missions for Christmas and I don't really have the funding either. However, I am going to pray about it nonetheless and see where God takes this. I have faith that the means will be provided if this is supposed to happen.
Did you listen to "Imagine"? If you didn't, please do, it could take your mind to a whole new world of creativity.
Yesterday I received the nicest compliment about my blog. I know by my view count that I have a decent amount of readers, but the comment surprised me. The man who had expressed kind words about my musings was one that I met on a Youth Tour trip in the summer of 2008 to Washington D.C. I had won a speech contest for my county's Electric Cooperative and received an all expense paid trip to D.C. for nine days. He happened to be one of the sponsors on the trip. The trip to Washington was one of the greatest experiences of my young life thus far. I met such amazing people and had the most wonderful nine day experience. I talk to people who I met on the trip on a weekly/monthly basis. Opportunities like this are common; sometimes you just have to be on the look out for them.
Today's blog has been very scattered. I do apologize, as Davin would say, my brain is still mush. I also would like to note that if you would me to muse about anything specific about college, life, and such that I have not mentioned in my postings please feel free to express this. However, I am in no way implying that I am running out of things to muse about. Just consider that even though curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back.
As Shakira would say, "This one's for AFRICA!"
Love, love, love,
If you have not seen "Into the Wild" I strongly suggest you watch it. There is also a book, but watch the movie first. I won't ruin the movie for you but the main character, Christopher McCandless, leaves society completely and goes into the wild. I often find distinct similarities between McCandless and myself. I aspire to do something similar in the near future. Not necessarily leave everyone with no knowledge of where I am going, but just going in general. I find myself somewhat of a nomad. Not to say that I don't have a home and that I don't love my home, just that the world has so much to offer to me. I refuse to be confined to a world created by man; I will see the beauty of God's creation unconstrained by the chains of society. Like I said, I will give a heads up but if one day I do randomly disappear from the blogging world for a time period, I could quite possibly off experiencing life in its full capacity, without the constraints of society and have gone somewhat "into the wild".
I have been thinking about Christmas lately. The fact that it is Christmas in my car year round could quite possibly be the cause of this thinking. I want to work some over Christmas break. However, I have recently been researching college mission trips over Christmas break. I have started to pray about this possibility; if you are a spiritual person, I would ask for you to pray over this for me as well. It is a little late to think about missions for Christmas and I don't really have the funding either. However, I am going to pray about it nonetheless and see where God takes this. I have faith that the means will be provided if this is supposed to happen.
Did you listen to "Imagine"? If you didn't, please do, it could take your mind to a whole new world of creativity.
Yesterday I received the nicest compliment about my blog. I know by my view count that I have a decent amount of readers, but the comment surprised me. The man who had expressed kind words about my musings was one that I met on a Youth Tour trip in the summer of 2008 to Washington D.C. I had won a speech contest for my county's Electric Cooperative and received an all expense paid trip to D.C. for nine days. He happened to be one of the sponsors on the trip. The trip to Washington was one of the greatest experiences of my young life thus far. I met such amazing people and had the most wonderful nine day experience. I talk to people who I met on the trip on a weekly/monthly basis. Opportunities like this are common; sometimes you just have to be on the look out for them.
Today's blog has been very scattered. I do apologize, as Davin would say, my brain is still mush. I also would like to note that if you would me to muse about anything specific about college, life, and such that I have not mentioned in my postings please feel free to express this. However, I am in no way implying that I am running out of things to muse about. Just consider that even though curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back.
As Shakira would say, "This one's for AFRICA!"
Love, love, love,
Monday, October 11, 2010
Beautiful Day
Although "Imagine" by John Lenon is the song of the day, "Beautiful Day" by U2 is where this muse begins. I listen to my iTunes when I walk to class everyday. I have a morning playlist that I listen to and that I add songs to frequently. This morning I was feeling rather spontaneous and decided to throw my iPhone on shuffle. My music taste is very eclectic and my playlist is rather large so considering the circumstances this was a big change for my ears on my morning stroll to class. I was in between the Ragsdale Center and Andre Hall and suddenly "Beautiful Day" comes on. My memory ventures back to a car ride with my family. I don't remember how old I was but I know I was fairly young, 4th or 5th grade perhaps. You must understand that my parents, mainly my dad, loves U2. I remember distinctly this car ride. Mom was driving and I was sitting behind her, Dad in the passenger seat, Ryan behind him, and Reid in the back. There are two reasons which aided me in concluding that I was young. First, We were all in "White Lightening", our family suburban. Second, Reid was in the back. This is significant because when Reid and I were younger we were unable to sit withing three feet of each other without fighting. Anyways, "Beautiful Day" begins to play in the car. My dad, you must understand, can quite frankly bust a move on the dance floor (he is my favorite dancing partner). However, his jiving skills in the car are on the other end of the spectrum. Nonetheless, he jams out, no matter who is in the car. So of course he is proceeding to sing at the top of his lungs to "Beautiful Day" while playing his infamous air guitar; the funny thing is I look to my right and Ryan is doing the same thing. I'm pretty sure Reidy must've been out like a light in the back (he's never had trouble sleeping in cars). My dad sometimes gets a bit rowdy in his car jiving and so without fail this is what happens:
Teague: "Davin, Davin, STOP IT!" Davin: "Teague, it's U2 come on!!!" Teague: "Davin, I'm trying to drive!" Davin: "Oh come on Teague, it's a beautiful day (going into the air guitar solo)!
Moments like these with my family I will cherish forever. It's rare that we are ever in a car together anymore, but reminiscing on the good ole' days is always fun; and this morning I walked to Premont with a huge smile on my face jamming out to "Beautiful Day", and believe me so far it has been.
If you know me, you know that I have a serious fetish with shoes. Recently, I have also acquired a similar fondness for bandannas. Assessing the amounts I have both, I have come to the conclusion that my fetish is not with shoes and bandannas; it is with bright colors. Most every pair of shoes I own are insanely bright colors, as are the bandannas. I love color. My mac book case is orange, my running shoes are yellow, the bandanna I am wearing right now is hot pink. Most people avoid buying colorful shoes; I however, try and find the most radiant pair for the cheapest price.
I really don't have a favorite pair of shoes, however I am particularly fond of all of my TOMS. TOMS is a company that sells shoes to help buy shoes for children. With every pair of TOMS you buy you also buy a pair for a child in need. TOMS are also fashionable and I find them very comfortable. I aspire to work as an intern for the TOMS shoes company in the next few years. Keep in mind this is not set in stone it's just on the list, which like I have said before, is rather long. TOMS aren't too expensive so check them out and buy a pair. Might I suggest sizing your foot to fit them before purchasing though; they tend to run large.
While you are browsing the selection of TOMS shoes on their website: listen to "Imagine" by John Lenon, it is the song of the day for crying out loud!
Teague: "Davin, Davin, STOP IT!" Davin: "Teague, it's U2 come on!!!" Teague: "Davin, I'm trying to drive!" Davin: "Oh come on Teague, it's a beautiful day (going into the air guitar solo)!
Moments like these with my family I will cherish forever. It's rare that we are ever in a car together anymore, but reminiscing on the good ole' days is always fun; and this morning I walked to Premont with a huge smile on my face jamming out to "Beautiful Day", and believe me so far it has been.
If you know me, you know that I have a serious fetish with shoes. Recently, I have also acquired a similar fondness for bandannas. Assessing the amounts I have both, I have come to the conclusion that my fetish is not with shoes and bandannas; it is with bright colors. Most every pair of shoes I own are insanely bright colors, as are the bandannas. I love color. My mac book case is orange, my running shoes are yellow, the bandanna I am wearing right now is hot pink. Most people avoid buying colorful shoes; I however, try and find the most radiant pair for the cheapest price.
I really don't have a favorite pair of shoes, however I am particularly fond of all of my TOMS. TOMS is a company that sells shoes to help buy shoes for children. With every pair of TOMS you buy you also buy a pair for a child in need. TOMS are also fashionable and I find them very comfortable. I aspire to work as an intern for the TOMS shoes company in the next few years. Keep in mind this is not set in stone it's just on the list, which like I have said before, is rather long. TOMS aren't too expensive so check them out and buy a pair. Might I suggest sizing your foot to fit them before purchasing though; they tend to run large.
While you are browsing the selection of TOMS shoes on their website: listen to "Imagine" by John Lenon, it is the song of the day for crying out loud!
Five Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed
Today I went to mass at St. John Neuman Catholic church. I wanted to go to mass in the day time because mass at the college is at nine at night. I could've gone to the 10:30 a.m. mass at college, but I didn't wake up until 11:00 a.m. I was around five minutes late to mass and walked in with another couple college kids and so the usher proceeded to seat the very front. I smiled to myself thinking of how something similar would've happened in my hometown. The priest was Nigerian which made feel even more at home because I actually had to concentrate to understand the priest just like I do back home.
In my last blog I said I would write about the Yoda fiasco in my family. First, understand that on my mother's side of the family we are super competitive and it's an every man for himself environment. I don't remember exactly when but a few years back one of my aunts got this little Yoda figurine that talks. The Yoda was stolen again and again from multiple houses until somehow the Yoda ended up at my house. Seeing the Yoda key chain made me recall this event. I was talking to my aunt and told her to Yoda was at our house. She told me there was no way that Yoda was upstairs. I laughed and said go check she went up the stairs looked and of course like I had told her Yoda was gone. Needless to say she flipped out and couldn't believe that Yoda had been stolen once again. Therefore, the endless circle of theft and competition is never ending. The Johnston's are ruthless and I love it.
Tonight I had to watch the movie "Leila" for my honors class. The movie is in Arabic; I hated it and don't suggest it. The movie is as slow as "Lawrence of Arabia" and as boring as "Master and Commander: Far Side of the World". The reason I sat through the whole movie is because we have a possible quiz over it tomorrow in class. I hope my dedication pays off.
Claire has been doing make-up on people for her class all night tonight. She turned Diane, a girl in our LLC, into a woman who had been beat up in a bar. Now she is turning Noah, our devoted RA and Claire's cousin, into an old man. She is very adept with make-up. Claire also has a beautiful voice. She's this tiny little thing not even five foot, and she has the voice of a 'big ole black woman' as stereotypical as that sounds. It is interesting to find out everyone's talents. God has gifted my roommate with some pretty amazing abilities if I do say so myself; Claire is one special girl.
It is time for this muse to come to an end. Just for kicks remember the five little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head, momma called the doctor and the doctor said, "NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED!"
The song of the day is "Our Love" by Paul Cardall, you can only find it on YouTube, or that was the only place I have found it. There are no words, but give it a chance. Here is the link:
Love always,
In my last blog I said I would write about the Yoda fiasco in my family. First, understand that on my mother's side of the family we are super competitive and it's an every man for himself environment. I don't remember exactly when but a few years back one of my aunts got this little Yoda figurine that talks. The Yoda was stolen again and again from multiple houses until somehow the Yoda ended up at my house. Seeing the Yoda key chain made me recall this event. I was talking to my aunt and told her to Yoda was at our house. She told me there was no way that Yoda was upstairs. I laughed and said go check she went up the stairs looked and of course like I had told her Yoda was gone. Needless to say she flipped out and couldn't believe that Yoda had been stolen once again. Therefore, the endless circle of theft and competition is never ending. The Johnston's are ruthless and I love it.
Tonight I had to watch the movie "Leila" for my honors class. The movie is in Arabic; I hated it and don't suggest it. The movie is as slow as "Lawrence of Arabia" and as boring as "Master and Commander: Far Side of the World". The reason I sat through the whole movie is because we have a possible quiz over it tomorrow in class. I hope my dedication pays off.
Claire has been doing make-up on people for her class all night tonight. She turned Diane, a girl in our LLC, into a woman who had been beat up in a bar. Now she is turning Noah, our devoted RA and Claire's cousin, into an old man. She is very adept with make-up. Claire also has a beautiful voice. She's this tiny little thing not even five foot, and she has the voice of a 'big ole black woman' as stereotypical as that sounds. It is interesting to find out everyone's talents. God has gifted my roommate with some pretty amazing abilities if I do say so myself; Claire is one special girl.
It is time for this muse to come to an end. Just for kicks remember the five little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head, momma called the doctor and the doctor said, "NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED!"
The song of the day is "Our Love" by Paul Cardall, you can only find it on YouTube, or that was the only place I have found it. There are no words, but give it a chance. Here is the link:
Love always,
Saturday, October 9, 2010
May the Force Be With You
Last night the Givers concert was fabulous! We went when the doors opened at ten; however, the Givers didn't preform until twelve-thirty making for a long night. All things considered it was totally worth it! My friend Stephanie, her boy friend, and me were front and center rocking out like there would be no tomorrow. One of the lead singers took the liberty of getting a haircut. Being a country girl and all, the five inches of hair gone improved his look immensely.
Today I have been babysitting the Comer boys (my cousins), it has been an eventful day to say the least. Patrick (oldest) wanted to go to the mall to see a movie. Alex (middle) was gone to a friends so Patrick, Will, and I loaded up into the suburban, went and picked up Patty's friends then proceeded to drive to the mall. We went inside and Patrick went into the movies, so Will and I decided we should walk around the mall. I have never been a big fan of malls, or shopping in general so Will and I got along just great. We rode the train, looked in the LEGO store, and had a shake a Chick-fil-A. I learned later that Will wanted to walk around because that's what Patrick did when he came to the mall. I remember having similar desires as a child. Having two older brothers myself, I always wanted to do what they were doing, including playing football. So even if it was with me, Will got to be "cool" and walk around the mall. When it was getting close to time when Patrick's movie was supposed to end, we headed back to the movie theater (I was making sure we met Patrick so he didn't decide to walk around the mall for a couple hours). We were a bit early so Will and I decided to play arcade games; this is where it gets bad. Will and I had some serious fun playing arcade games and in the meantime I lost the keys to the suburban. I really don't know how this happened, because I am the person who is constantly checking my wallet to see if my credit card and license are there; and I'm always checking for my keys. Will and I searched high and low, retraced all our steps, and still no keys. Wid and Peter told me there were extra keys at home. I then proceeded to call my friend Monique who came and picked me up to go get the keys. Needless to say, Patrick got to walk around the mall for an hour......epic fail.
After our mall escapade we came home to make dinner and just hang out. I made sloppy joes, okra, and tater tots, boy food of course. The boys decided after dinner they wanted to swim in their boxers; all I can say is that boys will be boys. I love babysitting the Comer boys; we always have fun.
Today I talked to Teague Style (my mom). I love her, A LOT. Being at college, I really miss her sometimes. Don't get me wrong I miss my dad like crazy too, mom and I just saw much more of each other on a daily basis. Teague would let my dog Reggie in the house to jump in bed and wake me up in the mornings every morning which is much more appealing than waking up to an alarm. I would get out of bed and then she would have breakfast or coffee ready, sometimes both. We listened to music and talked in the bathroom while we got ready for the morning. Now that I think about it, I imagine her mornings are a lot more peaceful and a bit longer since I'm gone. She would pick me up for lunch everyday while Katie G and I proceeded to bicker in the car. At night she would sit in her chair with Booty (Reggie) while we just talked and gave luvins. Teague and I have given each other luvins since I was a baby. Luvins is just our creative name for cuddling or hugging. I'm not a big hugger or touchy person, but luvins with Teague is just bliss.
Curran would refer to luvins as "hugging it out" which he assures me the world needs more of. Curran and I hug it out frequently. Believe me, being in college calls for some serious hugs sometimes. I don't really like YouTube, but this video is definitely worth the time.
Today, tomorrow, or even the next day, give some luvins, hug it out, give a free hug.
Carpe Diem,
(The title of the blog is such because the keys that I lost had a Yoda on them. Yoda is also a character that has caused some serious hostility in my family; we can discuss this next time.)
Today I have been babysitting the Comer boys (my cousins), it has been an eventful day to say the least. Patrick (oldest) wanted to go to the mall to see a movie. Alex (middle) was gone to a friends so Patrick, Will, and I loaded up into the suburban, went and picked up Patty's friends then proceeded to drive to the mall. We went inside and Patrick went into the movies, so Will and I decided we should walk around the mall. I have never been a big fan of malls, or shopping in general so Will and I got along just great. We rode the train, looked in the LEGO store, and had a shake a Chick-fil-A. I learned later that Will wanted to walk around because that's what Patrick did when he came to the mall. I remember having similar desires as a child. Having two older brothers myself, I always wanted to do what they were doing, including playing football. So even if it was with me, Will got to be "cool" and walk around the mall. When it was getting close to time when Patrick's movie was supposed to end, we headed back to the movie theater (I was making sure we met Patrick so he didn't decide to walk around the mall for a couple hours). We were a bit early so Will and I decided to play arcade games; this is where it gets bad. Will and I had some serious fun playing arcade games and in the meantime I lost the keys to the suburban. I really don't know how this happened, because I am the person who is constantly checking my wallet to see if my credit card and license are there; and I'm always checking for my keys. Will and I searched high and low, retraced all our steps, and still no keys. Wid and Peter told me there were extra keys at home. I then proceeded to call my friend Monique who came and picked me up to go get the keys. Needless to say, Patrick got to walk around the mall for an hour......epic fail.
After our mall escapade we came home to make dinner and just hang out. I made sloppy joes, okra, and tater tots, boy food of course. The boys decided after dinner they wanted to swim in their boxers; all I can say is that boys will be boys. I love babysitting the Comer boys; we always have fun.
Today I talked to Teague Style (my mom). I love her, A LOT. Being at college, I really miss her sometimes. Don't get me wrong I miss my dad like crazy too, mom and I just saw much more of each other on a daily basis. Teague would let my dog Reggie in the house to jump in bed and wake me up in the mornings every morning which is much more appealing than waking up to an alarm. I would get out of bed and then she would have breakfast or coffee ready, sometimes both. We listened to music and talked in the bathroom while we got ready for the morning. Now that I think about it, I imagine her mornings are a lot more peaceful and a bit longer since I'm gone. She would pick me up for lunch everyday while Katie G and I proceeded to bicker in the car. At night she would sit in her chair with Booty (Reggie) while we just talked and gave luvins. Teague and I have given each other luvins since I was a baby. Luvins is just our creative name for cuddling or hugging. I'm not a big hugger or touchy person, but luvins with Teague is just bliss.
Curran would refer to luvins as "hugging it out" which he assures me the world needs more of. Curran and I hug it out frequently. Believe me, being in college calls for some serious hugs sometimes. I don't really like YouTube, but this video is definitely worth the time.
Today, tomorrow, or even the next day, give some luvins, hug it out, give a free hug.
Carpe Diem,
(The title of the blog is such because the keys that I lost had a Yoda on them. Yoda is also a character that has caused some serious hostility in my family; we can discuss this next time.)
Friday, October 8, 2010
![]() |
Bombing in Cologne |
So the picture above is one Dr. Becker showed us in a recent lecture. Notice all the other houses and buildings in the picture are demolished excluding the Cathedral. In theory, the Cathedral shouldn't have stood the bombing either. This reminds me of a similar story dealing with a church back home. I don't remember what church but either way, the church burned down. However, the Paschal candle was still standing in the church after the fire. Think about it, one of the most flammable things in the church is unaltered by the fire; this gives me goosebumps.
I'm glad it's the weekend. Even though I have homework to do this weekend, there will be time for rest. Weekends in Austin are very relaxed to me. Provided this weekend ACL is happening, the city is a bit more active. Someday I would like to go to ACL, this year just isn't the year.
It doesn't seem like October to me. This is most likely due to the fact that Austin is still eighty-five degrees. I love Austin weather. My mom's mom, Noni shares a similar view with me on weather. She never likes to come visit us back in Gruver in the winter because it is just too cold. Some people don't really understand why you couldn't just wear a jacket, but I completely understand why she won't visit in the winter! Last year in Gruver I think the first snow came in October, while I'm still wearing shorts and flip-flops in Austin.
If you know me you know that I absolutely love to cook. At college it is difficult to cook in the dorms. It is nice to have my aunt close so I can hang out with her boys and cook whenever I feel like it. She takes care of me; I love her and all the boys very much. I really miss cooking though. So just for me, cook something this weekend. If you are brave, don't follow recipe; don't be scared, I never use recipes. One of my favorite things to do when cooking is to use random ingredients that people normally wouldn't think go with certain things. Believe me, it's a lot of fun and if you never write down your recipes (I always fail to do this) you always get to create a new masterpiece!
I am at this point officially starting my weekend and going to take a nap. I need to rest up for the GIVERS concert tonight anyways!!!
As Claire would say, "Peace and blessings,"
The Farmer's Daughter
For over half of my life, I was a farm kid. My brothers would argue that I never did much on the farm. However, today my general knowledge of "getting your hands dirty" came in handy. My next door neighbor and loyal comrade Curran Kelley is to say the least, a city boy. Today he comes to me telling me his car is making a weird grinding noise. I proceed to ask him if he has checked his oil lately, he then told me his light hadn't come on. I smiled and told him he was really a city boy. I asked him if he knew how to check his oil, he didn't. Now, mind you, I am no car expert but I do know how to check my oil so I proceeded to check Curran's oil. Needless to say, his car was in desperate need of oil. I never really enjoyed driving tractor, working cattle, or learning the simple things that are learned working on a farm. However, today I smiled thinking about how Granddad and Dad would have just laughed at the situation and smiled at the thought of me checking my best guy friend's oil in his car. I was kind of glad this happened today, because it was about the time I checked my car's oil as well.
Tomorrow my LLC and I are going to the Givers concert at Emo's. The Givers recently played a showed at the college; I loved it! I am excited that tomorrow is Friday, going to see the Givers is just an added bonus.
Today I talked to my best guy friend from home, Parker Heinz. Parker and I have been friends probably since we were potty training. We have been through just about everything together, and he is always there for me no matter what kind of a day I'm having. Parker is silly and pushes my buttons, but he is a genuine friend and I love him and my friendship that I have with him.
Wednesday in my honors class we were talking about how much we read as a child and how TV affected us when we were younger. I chuckled to myself thinking of the note that my parents put on our TV stand, "Expand your mind, read a book." Not to say I didn't watch TV as a kid, but believe me our family did some serious reading.
Today I decided to sum up how many hours of homework I have done this week thus far; the magic number is twenty seven. Welcome to college eh? The funny thing is, I actually enjoy most of it, for now at least.
Curran and I are headed out to Wal-Mart to pick up some oil for his car so today's blogging must come to a close.
Today's suggestion, listen to "Up, Up, Up" by the Givers and check the oil in your car.
Find your way to me,
Tomorrow my LLC and I are going to the Givers concert at Emo's. The Givers recently played a showed at the college; I loved it! I am excited that tomorrow is Friday, going to see the Givers is just an added bonus.
Today I talked to my best guy friend from home, Parker Heinz. Parker and I have been friends probably since we were potty training. We have been through just about everything together, and he is always there for me no matter what kind of a day I'm having. Parker is silly and pushes my buttons, but he is a genuine friend and I love him and my friendship that I have with him.
Wednesday in my honors class we were talking about how much we read as a child and how TV affected us when we were younger. I chuckled to myself thinking of the note that my parents put on our TV stand, "Expand your mind, read a book." Not to say I didn't watch TV as a kid, but believe me our family did some serious reading.
Today I decided to sum up how many hours of homework I have done this week thus far; the magic number is twenty seven. Welcome to college eh? The funny thing is, I actually enjoy most of it, for now at least.
Curran and I are headed out to Wal-Mart to pick up some oil for his car so today's blogging must come to a close.
Today's suggestion, listen to "Up, Up, Up" by the Givers and check the oil in your car.
Find your way to me,
Thursday, October 7, 2010
40 Day Dream
40 Day Dream by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros is today's song of the day. This is my song, not Dr. Becker's.
Today was of course full of wonderful surprises. My classes for the day went well. In my honors class we are reading Persepolis. It is a comic book/graphic novel/memoir, and it is interesting to say the least; pick it up the next time you are at Half Price Books.
After classes my friend Monique had asked me to go with her to the Chase Tower to speak to John Cornyn's regional manager of public relations. We went to advocate the LRA bill. I have always been interested in our government and policy. Needless to say, I enjoyed the meeting very much. Monique is very passionate about Invisible Children; this makes me smile.
So while Monique, Stephanie, and I were walking out of our meeting I mentioned to the girls how I wanted to go to The Strokes concert tonight but it was sold out. Stephanie and I had decided to go on a run down at Town Lake. While we were walking from parking to the trail I get a text from LJ my hometown friend who also attends school in Austin telling me he has two tickets to the concert and they are mine if I want them. I called my aunt to see if she wanted to go with me and not an hour later we were standing at Stubbs waiting for The Strokes to come on stage! The concert was amazing; it was such a great night!
There is more I could say but I feel the need to keep it short and sweet. Today, being tomorrow for many of you who will read this I suggest listening to "Reptillia" by The Strokes. If you have the opportunity play it on Guitar Hero!
Today was of course full of wonderful surprises. My classes for the day went well. In my honors class we are reading Persepolis. It is a comic book/graphic novel/memoir, and it is interesting to say the least; pick it up the next time you are at Half Price Books.
After classes my friend Monique had asked me to go with her to the Chase Tower to speak to John Cornyn's regional manager of public relations. We went to advocate the LRA bill. I have always been interested in our government and policy. Needless to say, I enjoyed the meeting very much. Monique is very passionate about Invisible Children; this makes me smile.
So while Monique, Stephanie, and I were walking out of our meeting I mentioned to the girls how I wanted to go to The Strokes concert tonight but it was sold out. Stephanie and I had decided to go on a run down at Town Lake. While we were walking from parking to the trail I get a text from LJ my hometown friend who also attends school in Austin telling me he has two tickets to the concert and they are mine if I want them. I called my aunt to see if she wanted to go with me and not an hour later we were standing at Stubbs waiting for The Strokes to come on stage! The concert was amazing; it was such a great night!
There is more I could say but I feel the need to keep it short and sweet. Today, being tomorrow for many of you who will read this I suggest listening to "Reptillia" by The Strokes. If you have the opportunity play it on Guitar Hero!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Ghost of Tom Joad
"The Ghost of Tom Joad", by Bruce Springsteen is the song of the week. It was Dr. Becker's song of the day last Wednesday; however, it is on repeat on my playlist. Why am I so fond of this song? The song features a harmonica. I love the harmonica; it is arguably my favorite instrument. I have never learned to play one, but it's on the list (the list is quite long; ask my parents). Neil Young also has a song with a harmonica feature that I am quite fond of, "Comes a Time", don't listen to it live if you can avoid it. There is a gold chest in my room at home that has a harmonica in it. Often times as a child I remember blowing on it curiously as any youngster would do. I believe the harmonica is my great grandfather's; the love must run in the family.
Today is a Tuesday, which means I have an eight o'clock class followed immediately by another class. I wasn't feeling all too well in my first class; my stomach was upset. I was rationalizing in my head how imperative it was for me to attend my next class. I was going to just bear with it as much as I just wanted to go back to the dorms and lie down. I proceeded to converse with God about how I just didn't want to bear another hour and fifteen minutes of class. Turns out God didn't think I needed to bear the class out either; I went to the next class and there was a note the door "class canceled". He is so good to me. I love receiving the little gifts He surprises me with each day. Prayer to me is just conversation with God constantly throughout the day. I try to keep in mind that every conversation I engage in each day God is a part of. I have never been the "Dear God" person, maybe at dinner, but even then. He is my friend, my protector, my father, my romancer.
A couple weeks ago I was volunteering in a service project. I ended up cutting my leg open and needing stitches. The staff at St. Edward's are fabulous and assisted me in every aspect of the endeavor. The man who dropped me off at the hospital was named Lou Cerna. I was with him for maybe five or ten minutes. My stitches were taken out last week and the events of that weekend have long faded from my thoughts. However, today I checked my mail and there was a Hallmark card in my box, from Lou. What a thoughtful man. This was one of the other gifts God provided in my day thus far.
One of the girls across the hall and I have recently dubbed that it shall be Christmas all year long, well at least in my car. We ventured out on a Starbucks trip today, and as we always do on our outings, proceeded to blare Christmas music during our journey. Although this may sound silly, think about it, celebrating Christ's birthday all year round, what a concept! So for today, if I may be so bold, I propose you go for a drive and listen to Christmas music; roll the windows down; the weather is fabulous. Believe me, God loves accompanying Breanna and I on our Christmas singing adventures in my car; He will love accompanying you as well.
Did you listen to Mr. Bojangles? How was it? It just started playing, that is why I ask.
I have learned it is all the little things in life that bring happiness. Just because I am becoming quite fond of listing (thank you Grandmother) I will give you my little things happiness list and bid you adieu.
-songs of the day
-packages from home
-time with the Comer boys
-leaving notes on the mirror for Claire (my roommate)
-Christmas in the car
-standing on furniture
-strolling around campus
-hugging it out with Curran Kelley
-white v-neck t-shirts
-skyping my parents
-sitting in the many hallways of Dujarie hall
-playing the guitar
-Magnolia cafe
-dreaming of Africa
Merry Christmas, love love love,
Today is a Tuesday, which means I have an eight o'clock class followed immediately by another class. I wasn't feeling all too well in my first class; my stomach was upset. I was rationalizing in my head how imperative it was for me to attend my next class. I was going to just bear with it as much as I just wanted to go back to the dorms and lie down. I proceeded to converse with God about how I just didn't want to bear another hour and fifteen minutes of class. Turns out God didn't think I needed to bear the class out either; I went to the next class and there was a note the door "class canceled". He is so good to me. I love receiving the little gifts He surprises me with each day. Prayer to me is just conversation with God constantly throughout the day. I try to keep in mind that every conversation I engage in each day God is a part of. I have never been the "Dear God" person, maybe at dinner, but even then. He is my friend, my protector, my father, my romancer.
A couple weeks ago I was volunteering in a service project. I ended up cutting my leg open and needing stitches. The staff at St. Edward's are fabulous and assisted me in every aspect of the endeavor. The man who dropped me off at the hospital was named Lou Cerna. I was with him for maybe five or ten minutes. My stitches were taken out last week and the events of that weekend have long faded from my thoughts. However, today I checked my mail and there was a Hallmark card in my box, from Lou. What a thoughtful man. This was one of the other gifts God provided in my day thus far.
One of the girls across the hall and I have recently dubbed that it shall be Christmas all year long, well at least in my car. We ventured out on a Starbucks trip today, and as we always do on our outings, proceeded to blare Christmas music during our journey. Although this may sound silly, think about it, celebrating Christ's birthday all year round, what a concept! So for today, if I may be so bold, I propose you go for a drive and listen to Christmas music; roll the windows down; the weather is fabulous. Believe me, God loves accompanying Breanna and I on our Christmas singing adventures in my car; He will love accompanying you as well.
Did you listen to Mr. Bojangles? How was it? It just started playing, that is why I ask.
I have learned it is all the little things in life that bring happiness. Just because I am becoming quite fond of listing (thank you Grandmother) I will give you my little things happiness list and bid you adieu.
-songs of the day
-packages from home
-time with the Comer boys
-leaving notes on the mirror for Claire (my roommate)
-Christmas in the car
-standing on furniture
-strolling around campus
-hugging it out with Curran Kelley
-white v-neck t-shirts
-skyping my parents
-sitting in the many hallways of Dujarie hall
-playing the guitar
-Magnolia cafe
-dreaming of Africa
Merry Christmas, love love love,
Monday, October 4, 2010
A Penny for Your Thoughts
I've ventured into the world of blogging a couple times in previous years; I hope this time to remain a somewhat consistent blogger. Given the circumstances, being away at college and all, I find that I am not able to communicate with people I care dearly about as often as I would like; thus, the purpose of this blog. I hope you too find it informative on the events of my life and by no means think of it as a way that I am trying to disregard talking to each of you on a more personal note.
The new chapter I have recently begun in my life is full of excitement and adventure. God has taken me by the hand and has shown me a whole new piece of His creation. He has introduced me to many wonderful, beautiful people. Austin is a beautiful place to live. As much as I love the high plains of the Texas Panhandle, Austin truly has captivated my heart. I attend a school that is stunningly beautiful. The campus is clean; the buildings involve architecture that is breathtaking; and the people God has introduced me to are such beautiful people. I have never been more content in an environment. The struggles associated with college life become minute when I simply take a stroll around campus. It's amazing to think that before I was even a thought to my parents that God was making this college into a place just for me.
I have a professor who is well known around campus. His name is Dr. Becker. Every morning of class Dr. Becker begins class with a song. He asks that there is no talking, no texting, no moving, just listening to the music. I love this part of class. Primarily because this is an earlier class and listening to music before a lecture is calming. Second, Dr. Becker has great taste in music. Today's song was Mr. Bojangles by Jerry Jeff Walker. Sitting there listening to the song took me back to a Friday night last spring playing guitar at Toy's R Us. It was a lovely three minutes and fifty-six seconds.
There are the things I miss about home: people, my dogs, the food at the El Vaquero, and of course, the stars. There are a few diamonds in the sky of Austin. However, nothing compares to the stars at home. I don't know what my future holds, but I don't think Gruver is where I will be living anytime soon. My dad has told me on many occasions that God is always with me wherever I am; and that I will be fine wherever life takes me. At times I think he says this more for his reassurance rather than mine. As much of a free-spirited, independent child that I am, I have never been more thankful for their guidance in my life. And just for the record, I cannot wait to see where God has me living after college, I get jittery just thinking about it. I personally hope it is a world away from where I am living now....literally. I dream of France, Spain, and Africa, living with the children of the world. A child is God's most pure being in society. Why would I not want to immerse myself in such a life? I have always had a love for being a kid. To me silly songs and Simon Says never get old. Taking all of the complexities out of life and living as a child of God with children of God; breathtaking isn't it?
Anyways, I must continue with my paper. However, present any comments, questions, or musings of your own; I will not disregard them by any means.
Now minimize this screen; turn your phone on silent; go to and listen to Mr. Bojangles; see what happens.
Love always,
The new chapter I have recently begun in my life is full of excitement and adventure. God has taken me by the hand and has shown me a whole new piece of His creation. He has introduced me to many wonderful, beautiful people. Austin is a beautiful place to live. As much as I love the high plains of the Texas Panhandle, Austin truly has captivated my heart. I attend a school that is stunningly beautiful. The campus is clean; the buildings involve architecture that is breathtaking; and the people God has introduced me to are such beautiful people. I have never been more content in an environment. The struggles associated with college life become minute when I simply take a stroll around campus. It's amazing to think that before I was even a thought to my parents that God was making this college into a place just for me.
I have a professor who is well known around campus. His name is Dr. Becker. Every morning of class Dr. Becker begins class with a song. He asks that there is no talking, no texting, no moving, just listening to the music. I love this part of class. Primarily because this is an earlier class and listening to music before a lecture is calming. Second, Dr. Becker has great taste in music. Today's song was Mr. Bojangles by Jerry Jeff Walker. Sitting there listening to the song took me back to a Friday night last spring playing guitar at Toy's R Us. It was a lovely three minutes and fifty-six seconds.
There are the things I miss about home: people, my dogs, the food at the El Vaquero, and of course, the stars. There are a few diamonds in the sky of Austin. However, nothing compares to the stars at home. I don't know what my future holds, but I don't think Gruver is where I will be living anytime soon. My dad has told me on many occasions that God is always with me wherever I am; and that I will be fine wherever life takes me. At times I think he says this more for his reassurance rather than mine. As much of a free-spirited, independent child that I am, I have never been more thankful for their guidance in my life. And just for the record, I cannot wait to see where God has me living after college, I get jittery just thinking about it. I personally hope it is a world away from where I am living now....literally. I dream of France, Spain, and Africa, living with the children of the world. A child is God's most pure being in society. Why would I not want to immerse myself in such a life? I have always had a love for being a kid. To me silly songs and Simon Says never get old. Taking all of the complexities out of life and living as a child of God with children of God; breathtaking isn't it?
Anyways, I must continue with my paper. However, present any comments, questions, or musings of your own; I will not disregard them by any means.
Now minimize this screen; turn your phone on silent; go to and listen to Mr. Bojangles; see what happens.
Love always,
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