Thursday, June 21, 2012

Being Blessed

I am personally guilty of not doing this enough in my life--counting my blessings that is. Growing up in the Church of Christ I remember many times when Dave Karlin would stand in front of the church and lead us in "Count your Blessings". When you have been brought out of your element and thrown into a world that lacks the comforts of home, like I have experienced in Chile, counting blessings is something that happens on a daily basis. It's funny how long the list is at this point. I remember being in the states and some days when I should have been counting my blessings I was just kind of like, "Well this sucks." This is something I really want to apply to my daily life back home--remembering everyday that I have a number of things to be grateful for. 

My parents--both sets.

I am so blessed beyond measure by all four of my parents. If it weren't for my parents in the states I would have never had this opportunity and if it weren't for my parents here I never would've survived.


All of my family here and in the states is such a valuable part of my life. My family means more to me than I could have ever imagined before coming here. I can't wait to see everyone when I return.


At this point, my thankful list is probably getting cliche right? But really, my friends are so wonderful. I have some of the best people surrounding me as friends. My friends back home are such a blessing in my life--and I have met some pretty great people here as well.


If you have been keeping up with my blog you know that this one is pretty self explanatory. I never realized how valuable a heater is until I came here and lived without one that was on continuously.

Dogs without fleas
Small safe towns

 I honestly could do this all day probably but I'm sure by this point you have probably started thinking about what you are grateful for....aren't we so blessed?

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