Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Una historia de mi niñez

For one of my Spanish classes I had to write a story from my childhood so I thought I'd go ahead and post it here as well! It's pretty simple Spanish--I'm not sure if all of it is correct though, but hey, I'm doing my best!

Cuando era una niña que tenía una aventura. Para mi séptimo cumpleaños a toda mi familia llegaron a nuestra casa. Había torta y espagueti mis comidas favoritas. Llegué muchos regalos de todo el mundo. El regalo que era mi favorito era un libro que he recibido de mi tía. El libro iba los indios nativos americanos. La cubierta del libro era de color azul y tenía una niña. El libro era muy especial porque había un collar de perlas en el interior. Después de la fiesta todos se fueron a casa. Mi papá estaba dormido en el sofá y no podía encontrar a mi nuevo libro favorito. Le pregunté a mi mamá y mis hermanos, si lo habían visto pero nadie sabía dónde estaba. Busqué por todas partes y no podía encontrar mi libro. Yo quería ir a ver si estaba en casa de mis abuelos, pero nadie que me llevaría. Yo caminaba solo a casa de mis abuelos, que era un kilómetro fuera de la ciudad en la granja. Paré en la casa de mi amigo para ver si el libro estaba allí. La mamá de mi amigo miraba a través todos sus libros para decirme que ellos no lo tienen. La mamá de mi amigo había llamado por teléfono a mis padres para decirles dónde estaba. Era una niña muy pequeña y había caminado un largo camino por a casa de mi amigo. Mis padres habían estado muy preocupados porque no sabía dónde estaba y había estado buscando a mí. Se condujo sobre en el auto y me levantó. Ellos no estaban enojados, pero contento de que yo estaba bien. Fuimos a su casa de mis abuelos para buscar a mi libro, pero no estaba allí. Fuimos a la iglesia esa noche. Oré para que Jesús iba a ayudarme a encontrar mi libro. Después de la misa nos fuimos a la casa. Estuvimos limpiando la mesa para comer y mi padre cogió el periódico que estaba sentado sobre la mesa. Según el periódico era mi libro!

Now, for the translation for those of you who aren't wanting to try and translate (not that Google can't do it) the story is about one of my birthday's when I was a girl. I was about seven and my Aunt Kay had given me a book about a little Indian girl with this awesome beaded necklace on the inside. Well, after everyone left the house after the party I couldn't find the book--seven year old that I was, I was determined to find it--however, it was nap time for my parents and brothers but since I refused to take a nap (man little did I know) I was on a mission to find the book. I looked everywhere and couldn't find it. At the time, it was rule of thumb at our house that if you woke dad up during nap time then you had to go to your room and take a nap so I took it upon myself to walk to my grandparents' house in search of my book. Now for those of you who don't know, I live in town and my grandparents live about a mile outside of town on part of the family farm. I made it about five blocks to Broadway where Chad and Julie Logsdon lived at the time. I'm not exactly sure why I chose to knock on their door but there I went ringing their door and asking if they had the book. Julie let me look through their books reassuring me that they didn't have it and in the meantime called my mom to let her know where I was. About five minutes later my parents pulled up to the house thankful that they had found me. After church that night I found my book lying under the newspaper on our dinner table. That wasn't the only time my parents haven't been able to find me....I'm sure I'll pay for my raising with my own kids. I didn't really know what the big deal was at the time--I knew how to get to my grandparents' and it didn't seem like a far walk. I'm thankful that I still have the same sense of independence and determination as I did when I was a little girl--I also am grateful that my parents still care enough to wonder where I am and what I'm doing even when I am miles and miles away.  

1 comment:

  1. Never knew that the missing book was the impetus for the walk, i was just mortified that Julie woke me up from an afternoon nap with those famous words...."Do you know where Leigh Anne is?"
