Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 7

Today was a  tiring but simple day. In the morning our papa walked us to school. We had orientation at the university with all of the other international students and then we went back to the ISA house where we figured out what courses we would take for the rest of the time. Afterward we went on a tour of the city where we walked up and down the hills and took a boat around the port. Then we returned to ISA where papa was waiting to take us home. We were so tired today, but our parents are so loving and sweet that it's easy to come home---their house really feels like it is my own. We sit at the dinner table and eat and talk for long hours--it is my favorite part of the day but definitely the most difficult. Our parents ask us not to speak in English to each other so we can learn Spanish quicker and we have to practice, at home especially. We try our best, but sometimes we have to ask each other questions. Tonight our mama made a dish with chicken and potatoes--we also had bread and tomatoes (I love having both of these at every meal). Today I am definitely the most tired that I have been since I have arrived in the city. I do know for sure that God gave me the best parents in Valpo though--they are some of the most loving and caring people that have ever came into my life, each day they help me learn so much about the Chilean culture and language, and of course about life in general. Mama told us tomorrow was the last day that they would take us to school...have to grow up sometime I guess! :-) Tomorrow we get to sleep in, and for that I am glad.



  1. We all want you to post a link to Papa's blog on your page:)


  2. Following your blog every day, keep writing!

    Susan Renick
