Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Listen to the Music

By now I am sure you have gathered that I have an eclectic music taste. Because I have decided to continue with my rewind of 2010, today's blog will be focused on my favorite music of the year. I have this friend who is a music junkie like I am and we share songs with each other continuously; we like to share the songs that make you "feel" something. I would like to note that these songs did not necessarily debut in the past year but were merely ones that I thoroughly enjoyed. 

"Pull My Heart Away"-Jack Penate
   This song is the most played song on my iTunes. I first listened to it when I went to see the movie Charlie St. Cloud. I love the song, it's one of those that never gets old for me.

"Dog Days Are Over"-Florence+The Machine
   This song was on the trailer for Eat Pray Love. I absolutely love this song it definitely does something for me. The video is strange to say the least, so if it is your first time to hear the song I would advise you to save the video watching. Also, thanks to "Glee" this song has just recently became an even bigger hit.

"Waka Waka"-Shakira
   This was the song I listened to almost ever morning during my first semester of college. I loved World Cup this summer especially considering the fact that my brother basically became an insane soccer fanatic for two weeks. Listen to the song, learn the dance, love the message.

"40 Day Dream"-Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
   Great beat, great song, it is on my most played list.

"Come Pick Me Up"-Ryan Adams
    This song features a harmonica so it won my heart over quickly. The language isn't my all, I don't understand the need to use profanity in music; however, if you can get past the swearing in the chorus I find the song to be one worth listening to.

"13 Ghosts II"-Nine Inch Nails
    I really can't tell you why I like this song, or what it does for me; I would just suggest listening to it and then maybe you will understand.

"True Love Way"-Kings of Leon
    My love for the music made by Kings of Leon is intense. I do not have a favorite band, but if I did they would be at the top of the list. This is an older song, but I listened to it frequently in the past year.

"One Headlight"-The Wallflowers
    Definitely too old for the 2010 list, but by now I'm sure you are beginning to understand that I don't care about the year. So just remember "nothing is forever, there's got to be something better than in the middle."

"A Walk On the Wild Side"-Lou Reed
    This song just recently made the listen and all credit is attributed to my mother. We don't agree on every song, but I would say my mother and I have a similar taste in music. Currently, this song is at the top of the list.

    Their whole album is worth purchase and you can buy it at the above link. This is my favorite song of theirs. I can't tell you how much I love these guys; great thing is, they will be in Austin for SXSW, score.

"God of This City"-Chris Tomlin
    I definitely feel something when I listen to this song. I love listening to this song and knowing that I serve such a mighty God.

"Coyotes"-Grizzly Man Soundtrack
    When you listen to this song, don't judge me. My oldest brother Ryan insisted that I listen to this song one day. Needless to say, it slowly grew into a favorite. Sing it with me now "ooo yip oooo yip oooo."

"Satellite Heart"-Anya Maria
    This song is on the New Moon soundtrack. I enjoy the whole soundtrack; this song is a favorite though.

Kasey Anderson
     I am obsessed with this guy. Right now he is on repeat every time my music playing. You wouldn't regret listening to him, or I don't think you would, I sure didn't!

Anyways, as I'm sure you know, this song list could go on forever but I am sure I am beginning to bore you. Furthermore, I will end your reading, if you continued this far, and conclude this post.


  1. No metal. You fail.

    My songs of this year? I need to think about that... I can come up with it. Give me a few days.

  2. Ha ha. Oh Issac. Please let me know when you do.

  3. Wow I thought I replied. Erm... its all on my blog. you know,
