Wednesday, March 30, 2011

All the Other Kids

To be quite frank this semester has me beat. As much as I love my university and the city, I will not be unhappy when the semester is over and summer arrives. God definitely has control though, I couldn't have asked for better friends at college to be silly with, keep me in check, and do homework with just about everyday. My parents have also been such a blessing as they always are in my life. I really wouldn't be able to make it week to week without them. I'm not sure that anyone but my mom truly understands my frustration with myself when I am not making perfect scores on tests and papers. My dad, being a professor, knows the stress of the college kid life and is always an asset when it comes to brainstorming for papers, especially about history which I am terrible at.

I received a call today from Texas Lions Camp, a camp for children with disabilities, informing me that once they receive my background check form that they will be sending me a contract to work for them this summer! I have a few other jobs that I am waiting to hear back from but this was great news to receive today.

For one of my honors classes I am working on a paper/project where I have to research an issue of social justice. The assignment provided ample freedom so of course I chose to focus on Africa. I have recently started a new blog about the project and the class. I love it and I think you may as well: This One's for Africa.


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