Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I can't wait.

"Are you smarter than your professor?" That question was asked to me today. What a question. I mean really. I will receive my BA in a few months and all of my professors have their doctorate and have been teaching for a number of years. However, the classes that I have chosen to take in lower divisions this semester seem to be the classes that I struggle with the most. Most people call it, making it harder than it really is. I just struggle when I am not challenged. If you set the bar--then set it, and stick to it. Don't get me endlessly searching for this bar that you don't even have. I also found out today that sometimes professors make it easier in class so that students across the board can still achieve in class--what a concept right? I know it's totally selfish but I guess I always expect my professors to challenge me relentlessly, and if they aren't I find their class to be dumb. Why would I take a class that bores me? So, this semester has set up this "opportunity" per say for me to focus my energy on somewhere other than school--WHICH IS WEIRD. Granted, no my grades aren't perfect and I'm sure some parts of this will still stress me out and I will be challenged. However, compared to many other semesters...this one is proving to require me to do less thinking and more working on something other than school.

I hate it. I hate being forced to think about things outside of things that require me to learn and be more educated. However, I'm totally doing it. I'm committed.

So am I smarter than my professor? In his or her respective discipline--no I'm sure I'm not. Outside of that--maybe so, I guess it just depends on what you define as smart. I think by this time I can say I know a lot more about literature and how to understand, analyze and read it more than many people. Granted, I still have lots to learn. I just don't like doing something that has been done. SO this is me doing something that I have never done--focusing my energy (or a portion of it) somewhere outside of school.

WHAT NOW? ;-) 

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