Thursday, April 19, 2012

Making It Count

Today on Facebook I ran across this video on my news feed:

I love it--absolutely LOVE it. Granted, I love Nike, but just the message in general. No, I probably won't buy the fuel band that they are advertising...but I do try and always make it count! Of course the video is a bit cliche as far as the whole "live your life" thing...but I'm a sucker for those kinds of cliches.

This weekend we are going to Pablo Neruda's third house at Isla Negra--I'm super stoked. I also only have two more classes until the weekend, thank goodness! I love weekends around our house. It's just days of rest and family fun and laughter. Speaking of laughter--the picture I posted of me when I was little was apparently how my sister liked to pose when she was little too. Papa and Mama were telling me how much alike our pictures were and Papa said we should put the two pictures beside each other to see how alike they were:

You'd think were real sisters right? My sister and I decided we were two peas in a pod and it was about time we had met each other! I've always known that I must have a sister out there somewhere. I'm sure my awesome face I was making in the picture was because mom made me wear a dress with a bow in my hair. It's so funny, cause now I like dresses--when I was little I'd fight to the death to not wear a dress--pretty sure I took my kindergarten school picture with a Dallas Cowboys hat on backwards.

The sun has been out the past couple of days here which is nice--I don't realize how much I value the sun until I go a couple of days without it being in the sky.

Viva la vida.

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