Tuesday, January 3, 2012

You're Wishin' Your Life Away Kid

I don't know how many times I have heard that since I've gotten into high school, of course I prompted the statement most of the time with countdowns to life changing events (graduation, leaving for college, leaving the country). I guess for many people keeping a day count until something big happens is a form of "rushing through" life, but not for me. I love countdowns--they keep me motivated. I know that I leave for Valpo in fifty days and I graduate college in 495. I also know that it's been nine days since Christmas and 127 since school started. It's an excitement factor, but that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying each day up until that point either. Right now, concerning study abroad, it's crunch time. I'm waiting for a background check and HIV test result to be mailed to me by the end of this week so I can apply for my student visa that usually takes a little over a month to obtain...YIKES! And to answer the obvious question, no I haven't been procrastinating, all of these things must be done last minute which is super frustrating. 

I've been back in Austin for a week now and most of my time has been spent at the pub. I enjoy working as a waitress and am thankful to have a job. Considering all of my friends are still at home on break, the university is pretty quiet. Quiet is good, but I will be glad when there are a few more faces on campus each day.

I've also succeeded in watching most of the sixth season of Grey's Anatomy again---I suggest this as a viewing pleasure for anyone--even this guy liked it.

I also wish tonight that I could be home with Dad making me his fabulous hamburgers---all I know is that there was enough butter in them to clog my arteries for life...but man they were good! I have just realized how scattered and unfocused this blog post has been, sorry ya'll.

Anyways, I'm not sure what I am going to do now, maybe a little more Pawn Stars and some dinner...who knows, maybe a nice book and some editing.


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