Monday, December 27, 2010

2010: It was fun, but I don't want to do it again.

Greetings all, I hope this muse finds you in good spirits. I have become lackadaisical in my musing, this I realize. My aspirations for the blog are such that I hope my posts become regular again; I seemed to have hit a month or two of "writers block" or something of the sorts.

Currently I am at my brothers' house in Gruver where I am cleaning. The house is done minus the laundry and dishes that I am waiting on. Also, if you are thinking that I am just being a nice sister and cleaning because I love them, you are mistaken. I love my brothers of course, but their house was overdue for a cleaning job.

As 2010 comes to a close, I like many others begin to recollect my thoughts on the year and the memories that have been made throughout. Looking back, I laugh at the things that caused me worry, and smile at them knowing what kind of contribution they have made in my life now. I would like to share a few with you:

-deciding exactly where I was going to college
      The college decision was a difficult one to make. Not only did I cause myself grief, but my parents as well, I am sure. God gave me the greatest parents, because at the time they did the most that they could do about the decision, pray. Now that I am at St. Edward's, I am once again reminded that God always answers prayer, and in my case exceeds expectations and blesses abundantly.

-graduation day
      The day that I thought would never come. Just like any highschooler, my senioritis was anything but obscured by 2010. Graduation already seems so distant, even though it was less than a year ago. Living in a small town, the people that I graduated with are still friendly faces that I see frequently when I am home. I am sure as time goes by, the number of people that I remain in contact with from high school will grow smaller and smaller.

-leaving home
      In early August I embarked on my great adventure with my mother. I remember all the nervous jitters and excitement that came with the journey. Saying good bye to my family was difficult knowing that it would be a few months before we would all see each other again. I am sure that I could have taken myself to Austin, but having my mom with me was such a blessing and made the move that much easier, mentally and physically; plus, there is no way I was going to be able to move all my stuff without two cars.

-the newest loves of my life
      Moving from home also meant new friends. At college, I have met the most amazing people; I am truly blessed. Each person, no matter how much time I spend with them, plays a significant role in my life. These people I am ever so grateful to have in my life.

-ending my first semester of college
      As you well know, it was a fabulous semester full of struggle and joy. After finals week was over, and I realized that I was still alive, God took me to a place of rest. I am still in that place; God is preparing me for the next semester ahead.

In the following blog posts I will continue with my review of 2010. Today's post will be the end of the memory hi-lights; I hope you haven't found this muse arid. 
As always, here is the song of the day.

Carpe Diem,


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