Tuesday, October 12, 2010

100 Years

100 Years by Five for Fighting is the song of the day. I was in love with this song around the age of thirteen. It's a beautiful melodic composition; you won't waste your time. As for time, Curran and I have been discussing time all day long. Curran is being especially ornery today and therefore has provoked an agitation within my thought process. He is pushing my buttons, and he knows it. Now that I am writing about this, I also find it rather amusing. Either way one of the conclusions I have came to today is that time is just a label that society defines their existence by. If one happens to take time out of the equation they are virtually left with life. I find it rather difficult to live those days without the reliance on time. I am ready for a summer day when I can be at my grandparents house and not even look at the clock thinking of what I must do at a certain time. Time compromises our experiences in life. I realize that we cannot live without time in our society; I just like to ponder upon why such a thing is so important to us.

If you have not seen "Into the Wild" I strongly suggest you watch it. There is also a book, but watch the movie first. I won't ruin the movie for you but the main character, Christopher McCandless, leaves society completely and goes into the wild. I often find distinct similarities between McCandless and myself. I aspire to do something similar in the near future. Not necessarily leave everyone with no knowledge of where I am going, but just going in general. I find myself somewhat of a nomad. Not to say that I don't have a home and that I don't love my home, just that the world has so much to offer to me. I refuse to be confined to a world created by man; I will see the beauty of God's creation unconstrained by the chains of society. Like I said, I will give a heads up but if one day I do randomly disappear from the blogging world for a time period,  I could quite possibly off experiencing life in its full capacity, without the constraints of society and have gone somewhat "into the wild".

I have been thinking about Christmas lately. The fact that it is Christmas in my car year round could quite possibly be the cause of this thinking. I want to work some over Christmas break. However, I have recently been researching college mission trips over Christmas break. I have started to pray about this possibility; if you are a spiritual person, I would ask for you to pray over this for me as well. It is a little late to think about missions for Christmas and I don't really have the funding either. However, I am going to pray about it nonetheless and see where God takes this. I have faith that the means will be provided if this is supposed to happen.

Did you listen to "Imagine"? If you didn't, please do, it could take your mind to a whole new world of creativity.

Yesterday I received the nicest compliment about my blog. I know by my view count that I have a decent amount of readers, but the comment surprised me. The man who had expressed kind words about my musings was one that I met on a Youth Tour trip in the summer of 2008 to Washington D.C. I had won a speech contest for my county's Electric Cooperative and received an all expense paid trip to D.C. for nine days. He happened to be one of the sponsors on the trip. The trip to Washington was one of the greatest experiences of my young life thus far. I met such amazing people and had the most wonderful nine day experience. I talk to people who I met on the trip on a weekly/monthly basis. Opportunities like this are common; sometimes you just have to be on the look out for them.

Today's blog has been very scattered. I do apologize, as Davin would say, my brain is still mush. I also would like to note that if you would me to muse about anything specific about college, life, and such that I have not mentioned in my postings please feel free to express this. However, I am in no way implying that I am running out of things to muse about. Just consider that even though curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back.

As Shakira  would say, "This one's for AFRICA!"

Love, love, love,
